Meet Angelle Tatum Founder of Her Divine Transformation #WomenConqueringMotherhood
Angelle you are a mother 365 days a year and one day is not enough to give your true recognition. Although one post could not tell your full story, we are glad to be able to highlight a few of your Great Efforts Mom!
What’s a quote that describes Motherhood to you?
“Son, you will outgrow my arms but you’ll never outgrow my heart.”
Angelle, your Humble Takeover is your story. How has Motherhood impacted your life and your story?
Motherhood has impacted my life/story because without my son, I don’t know where I would be. Being a mother has helped me become so strong in every area. I am so grateful that God trusted me with such an amazing gift.
What lessons have you learned from being a Mother?
Being a mother has taught me of course, responsibility and self awareness. It’s made me hungry for more. To learn more, be more and do more.
What advice would you offer other mothers who are writing their own stories while balancing motherhood?
Keep God first. When you keep God first, things balance out. I’ve had so many down moments, but it’s because I was trying to move on my time, according to my own script.When I surrendered to God, my entire life balanced out. Our little ones need that example. They need balance.
Who are other mothers writing their story and #ConqueringMotherhood?
Schlaceya Thomas, @schlaceya_
Tierra Haynes, @mommyonthemove
Brianna Page, @briannajpage
Tranell Mitchell, @nellaa_bellaa
Brittany Rachelle, @styledbybrittanyrachelle
Experience Her Story:
Instagram: @thewealthqueen
Website: www.herdivinetransformation.com
Angelle, thank you for your support of the Humble Takeover Brand and also your participation in our Mother’s Day Campaign. Continue to be the light for your family and the world. #conquertheworldmom Welcome to the Humble Takeover Family!