Meet Brand Influencer Darby Smith | Her Story
Darby, your Humble Takeover is your story. Although one post could not tell your whole story, we are glad to highlight a few of your Great efforts.Tell the family where you started and how you got to where you are today.
I am a 24 year old Shreveport, LA native, Spring 2019 Graduate of Southern University and A&M College, former & 88th Miss Southern University, current Graduate Student at Southern University in Baton Rouge, LA. I am currently building my Brand and following as a Social Media Influencer, and brand Ambassador. I work with brands that reflect representation and platforms that support influencers of Color. I constantly look for black and brown owned platforms and brands to collaborate and work with. My brand focuses on lifestyle, beauty, and fashion.
Which chapter in your story inspired you to start this venture?
I started in college as a makeup artist, painter, and photographer. I networked all five of my years in college- met people, collaborated, and created. My platform got a boost my junior & senior year in college when I became Miss Senior and Miss Southern 2018-2019, respectively. I realized I had influence when I saw people valued my presence on social media. I have now turned that influence into a business. My own self-titled brand presenting and promoting brands that I personally use and trust!
What keeps you Humble through your success and failure in Life?
Humbleness. I remember praying that I wanted to be Miss Southern. From the day I said that prayer, I was the most focused I had ever been in my life. The loss from a previous campaign and the hurtful things I heard and were told fueled me to keep going. I always remind myself of all the victories and use that to remind me that I can and will succeed - that I am capable.
What advice would you offer our family who is writing their own story?
Believe in yourself. Take the time to really understand who you are, what you love, your ultimate goal, who your role model is, and who inspires you most. Use all of these things to create your plan- your dream!
Do you have any upcoming events or projects you would like to share?
I am currently looking for black owned brands looking to work with a brand ambassador, like myself, to create content for, promote, and build with.
We’d love to hear more stories, can you suggest other persons writing their own story and Conquering the World?
Experience Her #HumbleTakeover at:
Email: darby_smith@yahoo.com
Instagram: @darb_alexis
Facebook: Darby Smith