Meet Anna Batiste, LPC | Women Conquering Herstory
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be?” – Marianne Williamson
The vast majority of inadequacies in my life evolved as a result of me shrinking myself, dimming my light, and playing small so that someone else could feel adequate. Just imagine a peacock trying to
live as a duck or a swan. Ducks are great at being ducks, swans can only be swans, and peacocks, well peacocks are meant to fan their glorious feathers out or strut with those feathers behind them like a beautiful train. How inadequate would the peacock be, trying to tuck his tail feathers to live life like a duck? Eventually, I realized that not only was I disgracing my own essence, but also dishonoring the perfection of God and His vision for who I am supposed to be; smart, funny, deep-thinking, old soul-having, insightful, artistic, open-minded, can’t be put in a box, me.
I’m Anna Batiste and I am a lover of podcasts, grapes and cabernets (all three in moderation, of course). Those who know me least see me smile more than not, and those who know me best hear me curse more than the latter would ever believe. I am most awkward trying to make small talk(especially in elevators), and right at home when discussing someone’s childhood issues, which usually makes them feel awkward.
Oh yes, and I’m a therapist and the owner of Whole Health Counseling & Consulting, LLC. Pursue the optimal life.My vision was clear even when my business existed in vision, only. I wanted to provide therapy so fully empowering, clients would experience optimal capacity to thrive in life, living a life of whole health. Whole health is about honoring all that you are, mind, body, spirit, your past, your strengths and insecurities, your present, and your aspirations. Whole health is being true to who you reallyare. Whole health is looking in the mirror and finding blemishes, then smiling because whether or not you decide to improve them, those imperfections contributed to the perfection that you are coming to know. Whole health is recognizing and embracing the unfolding that is your life, and understanding that fighting to hold onto petals stops the miracle of seeing a flower in full bloom. Whole health is a life-long journey that begins each day, anew. Whole health is ageless. Whole health is a constant re-alignment to God.
In the process of allowing the vision of my private practice to unfold, I’d experienced the most profound alignment to God and his vision of all that was possible for me, than ever before in my life. I was honoring my strengths and choosing to play big even when feeling small. In October 2019, I saw my first client as a private practitioner and business owner. In November 2019, I surpassed my part-time clientele goal and started to become excitedly anxious and somewhat fearful of how I could take on more clients while also working full time. By November 19, 2019 I submitted a 30-day notice to my job and began private practice full time on December 19, 2019. In February 2020, I surpassed my fulltime clientele goal and have maintained full time status ever since. Even more amazing is that in the spring of 2018 I’d mapped out my life’s vision using a vision board worksheet I created, then in the summer of 2019, I specifically wrote down the success of my private practice (on a pink notepad) almost exactly as it occurred(give or take a few minor details).
The clients I have the pleasure of working with are some of the most talented, brilliant, altruistic, accomplished, courageous people I have ever met in life. I sit across from them, looking into an ever-reminding mirror of what living authentically and true-to-self, invites into your life. It’s a breath of fresh air and oxygen to a flame. Instead of dimming my light, it grows brighter because I am challenged to honor and live in my truth, while encouraging and empowering others to do the same every day.
If you’re interested in some weird s#!t that works, email me about providing a guided meditation for your next group or event. My contact information is below:
Web: www.wholehealthcounselingconsulting.com
Instagram: @wholehealthcc
Facebook: @wholehealthcc
Email: wholehealth@whcounselingconsulting.com
Phone: 225-221-6508