Meet Tramelle Howard | Vice President of EBR School Board and Policy Manager at Education Trust
What’s a quote that fuels your passion?
"A vision without action is merely a dream!”
Tramelle, your Humble Takeover is your story. Tell the family where you started and how you got to where you are today.
I was born and raised in Baton Rouge, Louisiana in the avenues. If you are a native of Baton Rouge you know “The Field” is a place where there is so much going on, but everyone is family. I was born to a single parent and from the beginning she instilled in me the importance of hard work and making things happen. Growing up there were times that my mom had three and four jobs at a time just to make ends meet. My mom shielded me from so much growing up and it was not until adulthood that I realized how much she sacrificed for me. I am a true believer that it takes a village to raise a child. My village included my grandparents who literally nurtured, provided for, and instilled in me the importance of education. I will never take for granted my grandmother waking up at 5 AM with me each morning to wait at the bus stop so I could get a quality education. My grandfather dropped out of High School in ninth grade, but he also taught me the value of hard work and the value of my education. I have countless people who were and still are pieces of my support system that allowed me to be here today. From a very early age I knew that college was something I could do and had to do to ensure a better quality of life. I was exposed to college at an early age and I always saw it in my future.
Which chapter in your story inspired your current venture?
I grew up in what many would call a low-income community, but I never felt less than. The people in my community taught me confidence, courageousness, and grit. As an adult I realized many of them were struggling to make ends meet, but we walked around with a sense of pride that was second to none. Do not get me wrong I witnessed some very traumatic things growing up in my community which led me to also want to give back and do something for people who looked like me and were similarly situated in experiences.
What keeps you Humble through your success and failure in Life?
Humility is truly the key. I am a firm believer that you should never get too high on yourself and you should never get too low on yourself. The same people who scream your name when you are on top will be the same people who turn their back on you if you fall.
What advice would you offer our family who is writing their own story?
Be unapologetic in your truth. Tell your story because at the end of the day you are the author and no one should be given the power to tell your story.
Do you have any upcoming events or projects you would like to share?
I just launched a new project with my Colleague Kristen Smith entitled "Rooted". Rooted is an urban fireside chat series that elevates the voice of stakeholders who are rooted within their community. I also launched a T-shirt shop "Stand in Equity" which really encourages people to be unapologetic about who they are and stand on the grounds of equity at every table they sit at. You can follow me on Social Media to learn more about this project.
We’d love to hear more stories, please suggest 5 other persons writing their own story and Conquering the World.
Kristen Smith
Dontrey Barber
Terry Pickett
Ciara Hart
Raymond Allmon
Contact Info:
- Website: tramellehoward.com
- Email: tramellehoward@gmail.com
- Instagram: tramelle.howard
- Facebook: Tramelle Howard