Meet Remon Winfrey | How Losing 100 Plus Pounds Inspired Him to Co-Found His Own Fitness Brand

Meet Remon Winfrey | How Losing 100 Plus Pounds Inspired Him to Co-Found His Own Fitness Brand

Action always speaks the loudest. The moment you put actions behind your dreams and aspirations things will begin to fall into place.


Remon, your Humble Takeover is your story. Although one post could not tell your whole story, we are glad to highlight a few of your Great efforts.Tell the family where you started and how you got to where you are today.

My name is Remon Winfrey. I am from Baton Rouge, La, a 2001 graduate of Wiley College with a degree in Criminal Justice, a proud member of Kappa Alpha Psi and a former parole officer. Currently I am an A class Electrician at Almatis in Gonzales La.

 Which chapter in your story inspired you to start this venture? 

I was always pretty good in basketball since a kid all the way up to college. Basketball took me all around the U.S and won championships ( AAU La Breeze , McKinley High, and Nicholls State) and paid for college. For the most part I stayed in decent shape but when I stopped taking the game seriously and my interests changed, I picked up weight - alot of it and I disregarded my health. While looking at old pics of myself one day, when I was in good shape, I decided I was going to get my stuff together. I stopped eating all meat and started training real hard again. Without missing a day, I dropped 100 plus pounds and I saw the TRRansformation happening along the way - that's where the name came from. Being in the best shape and having good health is worth more than anything in my opinion.

What keeps you Humble through your success and failure in Life? 

LIFE keeps me is precious and at any given time it can be taken from you. I do all I can on my end to last out here in regards to my health. My family needs me and I want to be here to see my daughters grow up into women. 

What advice would you offer our family who is writing their own story? 

Keep pushing no matter what, ups and downs will come but make sure your push remains constant.

Do you have any upcoming events or projects you would like to share? 

In the near future TRRansformations will be adding our website. Currently you can order from us through Instagram and we will be adding more gear - hoodies, tees, women tights, tops, sweatshirts, workout gloves and more. 

Experience His #HumbleTakeover at: 

Instagram: @trransformations_1



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